Thursday, November 4, 2010

End of the Season

Well, the 2010 season has transitioned to cyclocross and a few members of the team are still hanging strong.  Jamie Wright has won several races, Ralph is starting to come on strong, and Cody is continuing to add to an impressive season.

 Photo Courtesy of Don McEwan

I, on the other hand, started winding down the season right after a solid finish at the Blount Seafood Criterium in August.  Moving and work commitments cut into my training schedule and training/racing suffered.  I did snag a top 10 at the Great Osprey Road Race last month, but I definitely wasn't in top form.

Now, I am focused on 2011.  I am increasing miles and working on adjusting to the colder temperatures associated with winter training.  The work now will pay off in the spring.

The team will be getting together soon to discuss plans for the 2011 season, possible additions to the team, and the upcoming sponsorship drive.

Stay tuned for winter training details - and more cross results.

Thanks for reading...
