Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cran the Kanc...or not

Well once again I had a great/painful experience with a Base 36 team member. Dixon was nice enough to let me tag along and ride the eastern side of the Kanc today.

I felt pretty good at the beginning especially after I warmed up. Of course at mile 17.5 we hit the steeper parts and lets just say I wasn't ready for 2.5 miles of 7% grade. Actually my first mistake was trying to keep up when Dixon hit the gas. BAD IDEA as the lactic acid shot into my quads and they suddenly felt like they weighed 1000 pounds each.

Oh well I managed to meander my way to the top and assume that what doesn't kill me on the bike will make me stronger.

Only 2 weeks until I try my hand at Battenkill. I assume I will see some of the Base 36ers there?

First Climb of the Season

34 degrees and wind.  I woke up thinking, "what better day to go ride the Kanc?"  The first NH climb of the season always hurts a bit, and I thought that adding the element of cold and wind would be the jimmies on top of the pain frosting.

I actually felt better than expected, and was able to maintain some consistently good watts all the way to the top.  Hopefully this will be money in the bank for the upcoming season!  

Thanks for reading,


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Training with Base 36

As a heads up when Jeff found out I did some blogging he asked if I would contribute to the Base36 blog. I said sure, I mean after all he is my boss!

I just wanted to say how nice it has been to get to you know you guys and to have supportive training partners. Although I race for a different team the team is mostly based in Massachusetts and it is awesome to have the Base36 team to train with locally. I rode a lot with Jamie Wright, Jamie Jones, Jeff Dixon and Ralph Karam last year and I was the strongest I have ever been on the bike by the end of August.

Clearly I came into this season a tad out of shape (although technically round is a shape) but my legs and lungs are coming back fast.

I rode 140 miles with Jeff and other members of the Base36 team including a 70 mile ride Saturday. BTW that is the longest ride I have done since 2005!

Of course the downside is if you guys keep making me work so hard Jamie Jones better watch out! Ha ha

Looking forward to seeing you guys on the road soon.

Chris Jordan--Colavita Racing Inc.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Jurgen "The Crusher" is back

I received the best e-mail yesterday.  Jurgen is moving back to Portland, Maine from Portland, Oregon this Spring!  He will once again be wearing the Base36 colors while he makes the New England category 2 field cry for mercy!  I plan on making a trip to Sam's Club to buy an industrial size box of tissues that I will be handing out to his competitors for wiping away their tears.

I actually heard a rumor that the cyclists in Oregon took up a collection to fund his return trip to Maine.  I guess they were getting tired of racing for second place...

Welcome back Jurgen!